
The Graduate

This past weekend was surely filled with smiles and miles. 
We journeyed north to Manitowoc, WI to celebrate the graduation of my dear mother from her masters program. A mother of 4 with a full time job who completed her Masters degree, how neat is that?!

Really neat.

Easily one of the hardest working and studious persons I know. 
She worked after "work", 
studied at the library on the weekends
and late into the night. 

It was wonderful to celebrate such an accomplished
woman and mother. A loving spirit and a servant leader
both at work and home.

We snagged a couple hotel rooms (boys room and girls room)
 and brought snacks, games and our swim suits! 

It was a fantastic weekend with just the family. 
These times are growing fewer as we grow older but for that reason they 
are rich in love and plentiful in laughter. Truly nuggets of life's gold.

Smiles for miles.


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