
Hey, Kendi

I have recently upon my return from Ecuador fallen into a even greater appreciation for fashion.
Not that high-end, top-of-the-line, fashionista type thing but the down-to-earth, here's-what-I-dug-up-in-my-closet type thing. What I wear has been an expression of myself ever since my freshman year of high school (I recall wearing brown bowling shoes and a "hip" sweater vest). My closet has collected clothing like a vacuum and I still piece together outfits that include a shirt from tenth grade. People seem to compliment me often about my clothing when, in actuality, I look at everyone else and think they are the ones who look fashionable. I tend to see the best in people, even in their clothes. I don't turn heads but I like shoes. I like clothes. I like the art in the way a dress can flatter a woman's hips while at the same time express her inner humor or compassion. A shirt doesn't just have to be a shirt all the time. It can be paint.

So, I'm a fan. Oh, Kendi Everyday, you inspire me.
I follow her blog daily (okay maybe twice daily...among others). She colors up life in her own little way and is proud of it! I don't have the budget to shop Anthropologie or J.Crew but there is treasure at the thrift stores, right? One day this blog may actually have a "lookbook." That is a possibility. But what I have a hard time dreaming about is opening up my own boutique one day. 
Kendi has done it all. 

On no, I should have majored in Business?

 Hoping in God above all,



  1. I totally stalk Keni everyday too! I love her style!

  2. Do you have a pinterest yet lady?
    I just recently started pinning photos from this blog- a glance at the page motivates me to put at least some effort into what I wear like I used to, haha- even if it's going to get covered in coffee at work!
    Oh, and you're adorable Faryn, move to Madison so we can swap clothing all the time, please and thanks.
